Blogging Into a New Year

I like to think that the reason I dread the holidays is because of Christmases past. I tend to over-analyze things and since many a Christmas found tension in the house from my parent’s less-than-ideal marriage and my grandma taking over my bedroom and leaving it with a stale smokey smell, the truth of why I dread Christmas is probably more simple. I don’t like it when it’s over. After weeks of searching for the best presents, singing Christmas songs with the rat pack, and looking at houses covered in electric brightness, the idea of slowing down and facing a more normal day is rather anti-climatic. The house is left with a tree losing all its needles, empty boxes of See’s candies, and wrapping paper that was once filled with possibilities now lying flattened and torn on the floor.

But, I love the possibilities of a new year ahead and the wonder of what each day may bring. You see, I love goal-setting. I enjoy (mostly) watching my children learn new things and grow into their personalities and abilities. This last year was yet another year of change for us. We moved to yet another new town, bought a new house and had to make new friends again. My kids had a great year. My husband had a great year professionally. I finished my children’s writing course, but didn’t complete my goal of having a children’s story published. I can’t say I gave it my all though. I spent the year avoiding “rejection,” which meant not sending my writing out there enough times. I probably sent out 4 stories this year. I have one that was just recently sent out. I should be on a more aggressive pace–at least if I want to be published in a children’s magazine. I spent time fearing failure instead of searching for possibilities.

I am a Will Smith fan. Of course I’ve never met him and don’t know who he is personally; however, I like the person I read about and he has said many inspiring things. I hope to meet him one day. Yes, I know that is a fat chance. I do have a niece that goes to school with his oldest son — so maybe? Anyway, I would like to focus on one of his quotes as I face this new year:

“Even if you’re on the right track you’ll get run over if you just sit there.”

I would like to think I’ve been at least sitting there writing in 2008, but I haven’t been writing, just sitting. I know I’m on the right track with my writing and my jewelry business. But in 2009 I hope to get moving before I get run over. I will end this uncharacteristically solemn post with two ancient proverbs that I hope will inspire you towards a 2009 not focused on a broken economy, difficulties or past failures. 

“Fall seven times and stand up eight” –Japanese proverb

“Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors” — African proverb