I did it, though!

I made it to my goal of 30 days. Yes, there was a bit of cheating, but not that much. I was able to eat a few m&m’s and not the whole 1 pounder bag! I am not without all grains like I was in the 30 days, but I have decreased my grain consumption so much — especially white flour. I do have an occasional bowl of steeled cut oats (yum) and I made steel cut oat pancakes last night (extra yum) with the added almond flour for more protein.

As far as my love of ice cream, well, I haven’t given up ice cream. I have though made my own with only stevia as a sweetener. It was so good. I made it with blueberry, nectarine crisp. The crisp was great too. I had oats, flax, almond flour, pecans, and grapeseed oil in the topping and was very pleased with the result. My extreme low-carb life is now a low-carb life and I do feel much healthier.

With the decrease of carbs has come a decrease in my humor. Okay, I am kidding. I have been busy. I now have a 7th grader and well, it has been an adjustment. My business (the one that brings in money) has been going well and in turn keeps me busy, but my writing business has been stagnant. I haven’t been as disciplined in writing consistently. I seem to want to sleep more than I want to sleep. I have these grand dreams of waking up at 5:30 am and working out, then knocking out a few children stories in 30 minutes and then having my kids dressed and ready to go by 7:45 am. In reality, I am forcing myself out of bed at 7 am, and trying to get the kids fed, dressed, and with proper backpacks filled with books and lunches out the door by 7:48. How can people function on so little sleep? You are probably thinking that I should go to bed earlier, right? I go to bed by 10 pm most nights!  So I must find a way to function on lest sleep I guess or do a better job scheduling my time…

No sugar, low carbs= no fun?

I have been on a low-carb diet these last 10 days. I love breads and pastries so giving them up has been so hard! But I knew it was something I needed to do for my health. I had gestational diabetes with my last two children so I have a greater chance of getting diabetes now. My numbers have been high — glucose and triglycerites so I knew that my body wasn’t handling the carbs well.

Most people lose weight when they go on this drastic change but I haven’t so far. I do feel better –more energy and I feel like my clothes are fitting better. I still have my moments of wanting to stuff 50 cream puffs in my mouth, or just have an almond-filled pastry. However, I am proud that I have gone this far. I am 1/3 of the way to my 30 day goal and I will do it!